Friday, July 15, 2011

A Really Wonderful Thing

If you've read this blog before, you'll know that I don't have much hope for this here world. Somehow, we're on this sort of spiraling coaster where we know what the problems are, we know ways that we can begin to mitigate them, but we refuse to take one step outside of our normal routines in order to save whats left of this planet. This makes me endlessly sad, and might be one of the biggest reasons that I hate people. (Especially you fuckers who ask for everything in a 'to go' cup).

Today, for once, I saw something that made me truly hopeful, with the tiny glimmer or an idea that perhaps someday, the earth won't have to be gang raped on a daily basis by people who think "bottled water is healthier."

FUCK YES! suckas better start bringing those bags in.  If looking at pictures just isn't your thing, let me tell you that starting in September, plastic bags are illegal in Santa Monica. Mother fucking illegal, yo. Now lets just get to the rest of LA.

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