Friday, April 29, 2011

I refuse to dance in September

Hello again, world. Despite my initial concerns, I have indeed begun to write another post. I was mildly afraid that the introduction would just burn out all the internet writing I have in me, but no, here we are. Today ended the second to last week of school, and, like every true nerd, I'm mildly bummed out. But only mildly, I could use a small break and a little more sleep.

Speaking of disappointment, a really sad thing happened today. (this is a complete exaggeration, but I was told today that I speak in superlatives, so please expect things like this.) For a few weeks now, I have been beyond stoked (not an exaggeration) to see Earth play in Indio at the end of May. Initially, I was a little hesitant about the 100+ mile drive to get to the venue, but I quickly decided that Earth was worth it. I even got a friend to agree to carpool with me.

Today, said friend and I went online to buy tickets, and upon clicking the link that I had previously posted for this show, we were redirected to an Earth, Wind, and Fire show. oh. hell. no. The website that has been my favorite source for finding shows, Songkick, dropped the ball and accidentally labeled this Earth, Wind, and Fire show as one for Earth, thus getting my hopes up and then crushing them to oblivion. So incredibly lame, friends.

And for those (most) of you that haven't heard Earth, here they are, in all their droney glory.

But I really can't stay sad for that long, as I'm seeing my all time favorite band, SLEEP, the day before my birthday with the lovely Kelly Banik and a few others. If you're not completely weirded out by my music taste in the above clip, check out SLEEP, because they epitomize awesome. (also not an exaggeration, they're the dopest of the dope.)

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