welcome to blog town, i guess. the inception of this blog is mostly due to this lady whose fantastic new blog as inspired me to create my own. because my tumblr doesn't really count, i just post pretty pictures there. ANYhow, (see that crazy emphasis?) here's to the beginning of something that hopefully doesn't fade out within weeks.
As much as i'd like to remain anonymous, it seems a little impractical for bloggings sake. Allow me to introduce myself, as best i can. First, a quick tangent: what's going on with the word 'blog?' I kind of hate it. Same with the word 'jeggings,' but I'm not sure if that even counts as a word yet, just the inter-species coitus of leggings and jeans.
Before this gets too crude, back to the introduction: I'm rachel, but really, anything that sounds similar will work. examples: ratchel, rachelle, rah-shell... i don't care that much about the silly name I have. I go to art school, and have pretty much the best major of all time (product design), where I get to weld/draw/sew/research cool shit for homework. so suck it, history majors. Currently, I reside in Los Angeles, which is nowhere near as awesome as my hometown of Seattle. Yes I'm one of those people who talks endlessly about how sweet their hometown is. But mine actually is, so i'll keep talking. (writing i guess)
There. my brief introduction of myself to you. More will come on later posts. I can almost guarantee that, if you bear with the newness of this blog (yuck) you'll have the (dis)pleasure of reading my rants, album reviews of the weird music I listen to, and potentially a bunch more super awesome stuff, things, and shit.
oh hey. a picture of me. how narcissistic. but mostly so you can see the crazy person behind all of this.
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