Monday, May 2, 2011

Thoughts of a deeper nature (or a post in which I voice my growing disapproval of American politics)

Today we, Americans, are supposed to be stoked. The man responsible for a decade old terrorist attack is dead. People are cheering, standing outside the white house and rejoicing. Sure, this is good news, but when else in history has it been any less than reprehensible to joyously celebrate the death of a sick old man? I might be alone in this view.

To me, the death of Osama bin Laden isn't something to throw a party over. World police killed the bad guy. The bad guy who killed so many of us years ago. This isn't the justice that 9/11 victims/families deserved, this is 'eye for an eye,' this is 'you killed our people, now we'll kill yours.' For some reason, the deaths of iraqi/afghan/pakistani civilians don't matter, as long as the wicked witch dies. The end doesn't justify the means, in my opinion.

Perhaps this comes off as an unpatriotic, liberal, america hating rant. I can deal with that.

I'm down with this country. Mostly. And I do understand why almost everyone is on a high about Bin Laden's death. Somehow, despite the fact that I dislike the majority of mankind, I can't bring myself to cheer about the taking of a human life. Perhaps I'm nicer than I give myself credit for. Perhaps I'm more compassionate than I think. Or perhaps I'm just crazy, refusing to celebrate the death of a terrorist leader, but everyday hoping that all top 40 'artists' will die and end their assault on music. Probably the latter.

Overall, my feeling is that our government is more concerned with announcing 'Mission Accomplished' than actually solving a problem. The fact of the matter is that there are still many people out there who want 'Death to America,' and no matter what we do, these people will always exist. Enemies are a given, especially when you treat the rest of the world like we do. (oh, your natural resources, yeah... they're ours). Obviously I'm not an expert in foreign policy, or any government for that matter, but I do see a problem. Has anything changed in the hours since we killed Osama? Can I board an airplane without getting fondled? not yet. At this point, I really don't think Bin Laden's death will change a thing in this country, but I guess only time will tell us that.

...end rant. 

In semi-related news, this movie looks awesome.

And on another (government related) tangent, I've been watching a ton of videos of Anthony Weiner, who is beyond inspiring in his support of health care reform and blatant dissent of the republican party.

Basically, he's a total badass. More people need to be like this, saying what they believe rather than what will get them reelected. (I'm looking at you, Baracky)

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading, I know it was tough, and at some times grueling and emotional, and my lack of pictures probably bored you. Maybe I'll begin taking more pictures, for excitements sake.

For now, here's a picture of me after my metabolism slows down and all the candy and In N Out catch up with me.

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